French Farmhouse Style Mantel For Spring

French Farmhouse way…at that place are a few essentials that I discover give the look and feel. In the jump I always have a hankering for travel and that wanderlust to get back to France. So I've curated some ideas and a shopping listing at the bottom of this post…keep scrolling all the style downwardly!


I don't live in a French farmhouse and I'thousand not even sure that there are whatsoever in Miami, but I have been fortunate to have visited several lovely FRENCH FARMHOUSES with my visits to French republic in the by. You might be interested in reading almost THIS I (exquisite!) and then you might just recognize the name of
THIS Ane, belonging to a well known artist.

We can always infuse some of that farmhouse style into our homes and French farmhouse is something that I love and volition share a few tips today. Why French? It seems to accept more of a relaxed and informal atmosphere than traditional American farmhouse and every bit we know, France is a much older country filled with incredible traditions that have stood the test of time. I'thousand so fortunate to have been studying the language for the last several years with a individual tutor.

How To Add French Farmhouse To Your Mantel


A crusty paint bucket with lots of patina is perfect for leap and exudes farmhouse charm. When traveling in French republic yous will sometimes observe old paint buckets for auction very inexpensively and if you want to replicate the await…this one was given a beautiful faux handling by my friend Matthew Mead. He used Saltwash pigment condiment and you can learn more nearly the process Hither and pick some up to try Hither .

A Vintage Paint Bucket


Some Dried Flowers

Dried flowers that are rich in color fill an sometime saucepan well. I don't exercise annihilation special to dry them…but exit them out of direct lite.


One-time French Books

Old French books are a pretty obvious style to add together French farmhouse style and I have some in pastel colors that speak SPRING. If y'all don't you tin endeavor your manus at painting paperback books and perhaps add a graphic from The Graphics Fairy who has many costless French graphics in her collections.



Marble is quintessentially French…simply think STATUES and building facades. Look for some marble pieces at thrifts or vintage shops because you will by and large find something! I've had this marble alabaster compote dish for years.


A sprinkling of fresh lavender buds make this room odor like a forenoon in the fields in Provence. The French are known for taking every sense into everyday living and scent is a big one for them.



A basket is a great prop for the farmhouse feel…and this 1 just happens to exist a French market basket. They are much easier to find than stuffing it into a suitcase I had done years back. HERE is a U.S. based seller that I found with a VERY reasonable price!



You see it on the rooftops all over Paris and in every solar day objects like these. I've again added dried flowers, faux flowers and some robin's eggs from the craft store. I constitute THIS Pitcher from a U.S. seller.




These are some of my very favorite props and I normally have them stored abroad in my pantry until Leap. Loving the colour of these VINTAGE FRENCH SYPHONS. You can find them on Etsy and I sourced THIS 1. Even with overseas aircraft it's a really great bargain.


Do you lot accept any questions or ideas for adding FRENCH FARMHOUSE Way to your home? You don't demand a mantel, merely use some of these suggestions and decorate a shelf or sideboard!

TAP ON ANY Epitome Beneath TO Store THE Expect!

french farmhouse style


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