Garden Plants for Soothing Away Stress - Visit the plant experts at Platt Hill Nursery

Gardening is an inherently soothing exercise. The slow, peaceful growth of trees calms the mind. Touching the soil is known to have a healing outcome. Every plant contributes its own dazzler and harmony to the garden, merely a few are especially adept at relieving stress.



The mint family has a long history of medicinal employ. Essential peppermint oil applied on the brow can relieve headaches, and peppermint tea can settle the tummy. The scent alone likely awakens relaxing memories. Peppermint likes moist soils in full lord's day or partial shade and naturalizes hands in the mural.


The serene indigo flowers of catmint exude a at-home dazzler. Their wafting scent may excite your cat—as it mimics feline pheromones—but for us, the fragrance is incredibly soothing. It also makes a healing tea, and when planted as groundcover or filler between other plants, it will get a source of perennial relaxation.



Lavender oil can save headaches, insomnia, and low. The fragrant flowers will attract butterflies to your yard and inspire you with a sense of peace. Originating from the Mediterranean, it prefers dry out to average soils and full dominicus. You tin can harvest bunches of the flowers to perfume the rooms in your home or to brandish in your outdoor kitchen . It's especially useful in the bath where the humidity of your shower will bring out the full strength of the lavander'due south aroma.


This ancient medicinal herb is known for its soothing effect equally a bedtime drink. It eases you into slumber by reducing inflammation, and its gentle floral smell will relax your tension in the garden. Known to attract beneficial insects like the ladybug and hoverfly, information technology's also a bully companion constitute for vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and kale.



We've all probable enjoyed its flavour on roasted meat or veggies, merely growing rosemary at home is an experience of its own. A sun-loving member of the mint family, its potent smell will bring pleasure throughout the season, and its leaves will be set to harvest by mid-summer. Though it is a perennial, information technology likely won't overwinter in Illinois, yet information technology transitions well to a houseplant in the fall.


There is cipher stressful virtually a fern. Ferns ease your worries with their gentle fronds and air-oxygenating properties. They are not showy, ambitious, or fast-growing, only they will quietly unfurl themselves in the moist, shady groves of your thou.



These sunny flowers will brighten your day, and their seeds are high in mood-boosting magnesium. A common favorite in kids' gardens, they can rejuvenate our spirits at any historic period and help us shed our unnecessary worries. Institute these annuals after the risk of frost has passed, and they'll reward you lot with their cheerful blossoms by early or mid-summer.



Let's not forget the aromatherapy of the lilac ! We recall we remember its odor until spring arrives and the lilac bushes bathe united states of america in nostalgia. Pruning this shrub may cause a little stress, but let's not forget that stress relief takes many forms! If a few deep inhales of their classic fragrance doesn't do the trick, and then information technology may be fourth dimension to sweat away that nervous energy with some good old-fashioned gardening.

If y'all need plants for your mural, feel free to visit our online catalog and contact u.s. for more information. Nosotros'd love to share the gift of gardening in any way we can!

Platt Hill Plant nursery is Chicago's premier garden center and nursery.


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