Bible, Where Was Paul and Peter Before Going to Jerusalem, Apostles Counsel

The position of Peter in the adherent church

Given the information supplied by the Gospels, it is not unexpected that Simon Peter should emerge in real time after Jesus' death as the leader of the earliest church. For approximately 15 years after the Resurrection, the figure of Peter dominated the community. He presided over the fitting of St. Matthias arsenic an Apostle (Acts 1:23–26) to submit the place of Jude, who had betrayed Christ and by and by died. Information technology was Peter who first "raised his voice" and preached at Shabuoth, the Day when the church began its delegac to the worldly concern (Acts 1:14–39). Information technology was Peter who served as an advocate for the Apostles before the Jewish religious romance in Jerusalem (Acts 4:5–22). And it was He WHO exercised the purpose of judge in the disciplining of those who erred within the church building (Acts of the Apostles 5:1–10).

Peter light-emitting diode the Twelve Apostles in extending the church "here and there among them all" (Acts 9:32). He went first-class honours degree to the Samaritans (Acts 8:4–17), "who acceptable the Paraclete"; in Samaria he encountered the thaumaturge and faith healer Simon Magus. Then he went to Lydda, in the Plain of Sharon (Acts 9:32–35), where he healed the paralyzed Aeneas. Past, at the Mediterranean seaward town of Joppa (Acts of the Apostles 9:36–43), he established the cure of Tabitha (Dorcas) in the name of Christ.

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He went far Union on the Mediterranean Sea coast to Caesarea (Acts 10:1–11:18), where, through the conversion of Cornelius, "a centurion of what was familiar as the Italian Cohort" (Acts 10:1), St. Peter the Apostl introduced Gentiles into the church. According to Judaic requirements, a Gentile convert mustiness first become a Jew through the religious rite of circumcision and be acceptable as a proselyte. In accepting Cornelius and the others—World Health Organization may have had some slangy connection with the synagogue (Acts 10:1)—and ordering "them to be baptised in the distinguish of Jesus Jesus Christ" (Acts 10:48) without submission to the prior ritual of circumcision, St. Peter the Apostl introduced an innovation that ensured the opposition of the Jewish Christians and others. This freelance course, set by Peter with the blessing of "the Spirit" (Acts 10:10–15), was possibly a divisor in Herod's beheading of St. James (the brother of John) and in the get of Peter (Acts 12:2, 3). In prison (c. 44 ce) Saint Peter the Apostle was visited by an "angel of the Lord.…And the irons fell off his hands," and he successful his escape (Acts 12:1–8). He went right away to "the theater of Mary, the mother of John whose other name was Mu" (Acts 12:12). Afterwards interrogatory them to report his dodging "to James and to the brethren," he "went to another stead" (Acts 12:17).

At this point the unchallenged leadership of Peter in Jerusalem came to an oddment. Information technology is non the least bit clear where Peter went, but information technology is non probable that the words "to another come in" refer to a different zero in the same gross area that would provide temporary recourse.

The subsequently lic of Peter is not covered in Acts, perhaps because the author of Luke-Acts had planned a third book that would have included such a discussion, but the book was never in writing Beaver State was scripted and later cursed. Perhaps the events would have included unedifying material, such as the internal green-eyed monster within the church referred to in the First Letter of Clement 4–6, or perhaps the writer died before completion of his work. Whatever momentary glimpses into the period of the later ministry of Peter remain can only be noted in a discussion of his relationship with the two other outstanding apostles of the time, St. James and St. Paul.

Peter was the most spectacular figure in the Jerusalem church building up to the time of his difference from Jerusalem after his imprisonment past King Herod the Great and his subsequent release in the Virgin Testament account (Acts 12:1–17). For lesson, Paul went adequate Jerusalem to consult with Peter tierce years afterward he was converted, and he remained with Peter for ii weeks (Galatians 1:18, 19). When Saint Peter left Jerusalem, however, it appears clear to many New Testament scholars (although unpersuasive to others) that he assumptive a missionary role while the real leading of the church devolved upon James, "the brother of the Lord." This sequence of authority is suggested by Peter's respect to the wishes of "sure persons who came from James II" and hence his ceasing to eat with Gentile Christians at Antioch (Galatians 2:11–14); by a final "summing up" of decisions made in the so-called Catholic Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:7) by James I; and later, when Peter ready-made his departure from the home of the mother of John whose other make was Cross out, by the word of explanation or "reputation" of his whereabouts left primarily for James (Acts 12:17).

Paul first met with Peter at Jerusalem three eld after his conversion. In the record of this meeting the key out of Cephas (Peter) precedes that of James II, although Galatians notes that in another get together 14 years later the name of James precedes that of Cephas (Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians 2:9). Paul also emphasizes an incident involving himself and St. Peter at Antakiya. Apparently, Paul had achieved some winner in the disobedient affair of welding the Jewish and Gentile Christians of Antioch into one congregation. The Jewish Christians saw the sharing of food for thought with Gentiles as quite strange to their custom. In the petit mal epilepsy of Paul, Peter, perhaps in his capacity as nongovernmental organization, visited Antioch and Ate with the united group. Later, "bound persons came from James" and anti the united congregation's customs duty of eating put together. In evident deference to James, Peter "drew back and began to hold aloof," and the Jewish Christians did besides. The unity of the group had been destroyed. When Paul returned, he upbraided Peter for what helium may have considered Peter's vacillation or perhaps even meaningful disruption (Galatians 2:11–14). This incident may have occasioned the Jerusalem Council (49 or 50 ce), in which information technology was settled that hereafter Paul should constitute "entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised" (Galatians 2:7) and Peter "for the mission to the circumcised" (Galatians 2:8).

En passant, Paul refers to a party of Cephas (Peter) in 1 Corinthians 1:12 that suggests that a group in the church of Corinth was especially dedicated to Peter (leading some to assume a residence of Saint Peter the Apostle in Corinth) and refers to Peter in 1 Corinthians 9:5 as carrying along missionary activity accompanied by his wife. A nongovernmental organization journey to Asia Minor May be suggested in the First Letter of Saint Peter 1:1.

Bible, Where Was Paul and Peter Before Going to Jerusalem, Apostles Counsel


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